There was this water ride called Breakway falls!! and basically you stand in a capsule/torpedo tube and it drops you vertically! It's terrifying!! The worst part is the capsule closes with you in it and the heartbeating in the back ground. Plus you watch other people drop and then suddenly the floor opens below you and you feel like your falling to your death! Robby (My big strong 6ft 4 man chickened out :P but then he did do summit plummet, which there was no way on earth I had the nerve to push myself of what felt like a vertical drop. which do you think is scarier?
Breakway Falls!
Summit Plummet
I even went on this, it's called Sheikra and is at Busch Gardens, fair to say it was actually amazing. Still I screamed like no other!!
We visited Clear Water beach was lovely :) Myself & Rob are getting pretty good at this Selfy thing!
I thoroughly enjoyed the food in America but who doesn't!!! Dare say I'm sure I put on a pound or two and poor Rob put on a stone! Back to the manual day job will sort him out in no time I'm sure.
. Disney Epcot was lovely, the gardens really are pretty! I even sneaked a cheeky kiss with Flower!!
Hey ho! that was Florida and now it's back to work at Patchwork Paradise headquarters. Lots of love, Jenny xxx
looks like you had great fun